Pistakee Highlands
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Thinking about buying a home in the Pistakee Highlands community in McHenry, IL? Featured below are all Pistakee Highlands homes for sale, as well as the most up-to-date market stats related to the neighborhood. To learn more about an available home for sale in Pistakee Highlands, simply click on a listing you like to view additional details and property photos. Our McHenry real estate experts can also provide interested home buyers with disclosures, dates and prices of recently sold homes in Pistakee Highlands, and even a detailed comparative market analysis for anyone interested in selling a home in Pistakee Highlands McHenry IL.
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Buying a Home in Pistakee Highlands in McHenry, IL
Pistakee Highlands offers homes with long driveways and spacious front yards. The neighborhood features a mix of smaller 700-square-foot homes alongside larger 2,000-square-foot residences, providing a variety of living options. Many homes have two or three bedrooms and lot sizes are approximately half an acre. Lake Street Park and Pistakee Lake are nearby, offering residents access to outdoor recreation and scenic waterfront views. The neighborhood's charm and variety make it a desirable place to live.
Finding your dream home in McHenry, IL, is easier with the expert guidance of Fulton Grace Realty. Our dedicated team ensures a seamless buying experience, offering local expertise and personalized service every step of the way.