The Biggest Interior Design Mistakes to Avoid

This one’s for the people with eight Pinterest boards dedicated to dream rooms in a dream house: we see you. We get it.

Some people can walk into HomeGoods and put together different odd pieces to make one amazing, matching room, and others will replicate those pins on those Pinterest boards. Lucky for you, we know what to avoid to hopefully steer you in the right direction.

Too safe is too boring.
We can appreciate those minimalistic living rooms. But, isn’t it fun to throw your own taste into your design? Spruce up that white bed with different colored pillows and a patterned throw blanket. Maybe add in gold or silver accents to your living room to give your neutral tones an added edge. Go with what you love, and you can’t go wrong!

Staying stagnant.
When you moved in, you probably designed your whole house in one way, brushed off the dust, and proclaimed “Okay, I’m done!” There’s nothing wrong with having a complete space, but try refreshing it once a year! A new coat of paint or accent chair can work wonders.

Letting the couch takeover.
Think long and hard about what kind of couch would fit in your room. The giant sectional is always comfortable, but is it going to take up 75% of the room? Skip it and find something more medium sized, or opt for a smaller couch with two chairs. You’ll thank yourself later.


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