The Best and Most Delicious Cake in Chicago

A cake for you, a cake for us.

Whether you’re celebrating something or grabbing a piece just because, cake is one of the best things to indulge in. Often overshadowed by the ever-so-popular cupcake spots and donut shops, there’s plenty of places for cake in Chicago.

Formento’s Chocolate Cake at Formento’s
A sweet slice of Formento’s famous chocolate cake is mouthwatering perfection.

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Credit: @formentoschi on Instagram

Chocolate Cake Stout Milkshake at Public House Chicago
Okay, not technically a “cake” per say, but it does have a piece of cake on top of the shake and it’s pretty yummy.

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Credit: Public House

Green Tea Crepe Cake at Gyu-Kaku Japanese BBQ
The crepe cake you didn’t know you needed in your life. Green tea flavor with just the right amount of sweetness make this delectable dessert one for the books.

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Credit: @sugarcakepie on Instagram

Carrot Cake at Lula Cafe
One of the most delicious carrot cakes, EVER.


Chocolate Cake at Portillo’s
A true Chicago stable, this cake is some of the best chocolate cake in the city. If you haven’t had it yet, what are you doing?!

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Credit: @portilloshotdogs on Instagram

Icebox Cake at Magnolia Bakery
Sign us up. This delicious cake is made with homemade chocolate wafers and whipped sweet cream.


Credit: Magnolia Bakery

Any kind of cake at Sweet Mandy B‘s
Whether you prefer your cake in cupcake form or an actual slice, Sweet Mandy B’s has you covered.

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Credit: @sweetmandybs on Instagram

Best Piece of (Chocolate) Cake at Dos Urban Cantina
There’s a reason this one is the self-proclaimed “best” piece of chocolate cake. It is so delicious, you’ll day dream about it while you eat your daily salad at lunch.


Credit: Dos Urban Cantina

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