Fulton Grace Realty

Harry Potter Home Decor

Hogwarts is our home.

“Yer a wizard, Harry!”

Never got your Hogwarts letter in the mail? Not to worry– there’s plenty of decor you can add for your home to feel less Muggle and more Magic.

Drinking glasses.
We’re not talking a pair of Harry’s famed glasses, either. Engraved wine glasses, beer mugs, and pint glasses are a lovely, subtle way to infuse a hint of magic.

An enchanting ceiling.
Add a few “floating candles” to your favorite corner of a room, or maybe even across the whole ceiling! Not only will this light up the room more, but it will also make you feel like you’re in the Great Hall. Take on this cool project here.

Jewel tones.
The Harry Potter series is know for the rich, deep tones worn by many characters, Hogwarts house members, and in many aspects of the films. Colors such as ruby, emerald, amethyst, and sapphire would fit the criteria, and would bring a deep, magical feel to any room.

Anything owl.
Owls are a huge part of the HP universe, from Harry’s intuitive Hedwig to meetings in the school owlery. Owl figurines and owl prints would definitely add to the HP vibes.

Throw blanket coziness.
Bed Bath & Beyond sells house-themed throw blankets, and JoAnn Fabrics has some amazing fabric options to make your own.

Honor Dobby.
Make your own “Free Dobby” rack with clips for socks missing their partner… or buy it on Etsy.

Fairy lights, too.
They always add a certain air of magic to every room.

Check out Pottery Barn.
Say the above isn’t good enough for the wizard in you… explore the collection from Pottery Barn. You won’t be disappointed.

Credit: Pottery Barn

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