Fulton Grace Realty

3 Ways to Optimize Your CRM During Quarantine

Your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is an on-going job that requires your dedicated attention to detail. As an agent, you know that recording pertinent details, essential information, and keynotes are just the start. Establishing a relationship that you can tap at your disposal is not often a resource you acquire from the beginning. In fact, it is the continual upkeep of maintaining shared interests or a mutually beneficial dialog that seals your rapport and thus the ability to optimize your contact. 

Honing your CRM takes time. Luckily, some of us currently have ample amounts of it which can be utilized to update your CRM archive and functions, streamline your operations, and strategize your efforts. Below we’ve noted 3 ways you can optimize your CRM efforts during quarantine. You won’t want to slack on this!

1 Integrate Your Calendars and Website

Did you know that 75% of prospects choose to do business with the company that contacts them first? Setting up your new-contact integration streamline is just half the battle, but you’ll be so thankful you did. Whether you’re a team of one or several, ensuring that every single prospect is added and optimized to become your next lead is paramount. Do this by integrating your native CRM to your calendar (ideally one connected to your smartphone) so that you are notified with reminders to reach out, follow up, or congratulate on a personal item such as a birthday or anniversary. You can also set notifications for when that contact takes an action like booking an appointment, signing up for one of your events, or clicking on certain links within email campaigns. 

2 Automate the Unnecessary 

As we already mentioned, perfecting your CRM requires manual labor….until it doesn’t. Getting set up and automating processes you know you’ll repeat or that your platform offers an extension for is worth the tech-headache now versus the seamless automation you’ll have later. From creating internal reminder tasks to email campaigns, the automation tools will help you avoid human errors and never miss an opportunity.

Pro Tip: Try to anticipate what your customers might need in the future and make the time and do the groundwork to automate that funnel for each time it presents itself. Create playbooks for redundant or expected scenarios – this is especially helpful if you have a team. Draft and archive auto-emails or nurture campaigns you expect you’ll send at some point in your sales cycle. 

3 Marry Your Marketing and Sales Data

Identifying your KPIs (key performance indicators) are necessary for harnessing your lead potential and winning your sales goals. If you start with a sales goal, you can tweak your marketing efforts to nurture these numbers – but you DO also want to do this in reverse. Despite your skill level, utilizing even the “quick” insights from your marketing efforts can help inform your sales goals and might even inform some of the sales data you find. 


We are one of Chicago’s leading providers of comprehensive real estate services. We are home to an ever-growing team of savvy & reputable local realtors, seasoned property managers, and customer-service oriented staff. Whether you’re looking to find a new home, sell your home, or have your property managed, let us be your trusted real estate advisors.

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