Looking to Buy? Here's How It Goes
1. Market Education & Preparation
Identify your team of professionals | Your FG Agent, Mortgage; Lender, Home Inspector, Moving Company;
Learn the steps of obtaining a mortgage;
Speak to a preferred lender to obtain a mortgage pre approval;
Learn the conditions of the current real estate market for Buyers such as National, Regional, Local, and your own "personal market".
2. Financing Overview
The lender will review your credit report and financial information;
After entering into a purchase contract, you and your agent will submit the signed real estate contract and disclosures to the lender.
Provide lender with comprehensive financial details: application, tax returns, bank statements, and more of requested.
The lender will arrange for an appraisal of the property, which will be coordinated through the seller's listing agent.
Lender may request condo questionnaire for relevant purchase info from association.
3. The Search
Learn the entire process of looking for and purchasing a home
Identify the specific type of property you are interested in: price, location and property type;
Select several that match your requirements and schedule showings;
Identify a few top choices and schedule a second (or even third) showing to confirm your top choice;
Consult with your agent to prepare to write an offer on the property.
4. Negotiations & Acceptance
Your agent will create a market-based offer strategy;
Confirm buyer's financing ability with lender;
Facilitate the execution of the sales contract and distribute it promptly.
Meditate or negotiate any issues raised by the attorneys and/or inspection
Monitor contract deadlines and contingencies.
5. Transition Management
Your agent will provide moving the company and cleaning service referrals
Advise on utility shut off times and mail forwarding to your new home
Advise on creating new utility accounts for your new home. Schedule the final walk through of the new property
Choreograph moving from previous property and into new property,. Transfer keys to your new home!
Consider hiring a stager to give guidance on laying out your new home

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